Useful links

Cultural events
Uzès Danse Festival (mid june) www.uzesdanse.fr
Uzès Musical nights (end of july) www.nuitsmusicalesuzes.org
Uzès Musical nights (end of july) www.uzes-evenements.com/bd/
World Music Festival (end of july) http://autres-rivages.chez-alice.fr
Avignon Theater Festival (july) www.festival-avignon.com
Uzès Tales Festival (mid june) http://kloks.club.fr/festival.htm
Feria of Nimes (pentecost & mid september) www.arenesdenimes.com
Feria of Arles (easter & early september) www.arenes-arles.com
Information / local news www.midilibre.fr
Typical food, handcraft & antiques markets
• Monday morning Grau-du-Roi/Port Camargue, Méjannes le Clap, Nîmes
•Tuesday morning Arpaillargues, Roquemaure, St. Ambroix, St. Hippolyte du Fort, St. Jean du Gard, Tavel
• Wednesday morning Aigues Mortes, Bagnols sur Cèze, Collias, Goudargues, Uzès (marché des producteurs)
• Thursday morning Beaucaire, Vézénobres
• Friday morning Barjac, Remoulins, St. Quentin la Poterie
• Saturday morning Pont St. Esprit, Sommieres, Uzès
• Sunday morning Calvisson, Isle sur la Sorgue
• Sunday - Foire à la brocante Anduze, Barjac (week-end de Pâques), Nîmes, Uzès, Isle sur la Sorguee
Other markets
Truffles fair - Uzès (3rd Sunday of january)
Wines fair - Uzès (mid august)
Garlic fair - Uzès (june)
Sports & Leisure
Uzès Golf Club http://golfuzes.club.fr
Avignon Golf Club http://www.golfchateaublanc.com
Nîmes Golf Club http://www.golfnimescampagne.fr.st
Canoe/Kayak on the Gardon river in Collias http://canoe-location-canoe-kayak-
nimes-gard.canoe-le-tourbillon.com ou http://canoefrance.com/gardon
Ballads & canoe/kayak in the Ardeche Vallee (« Gorges de l’Ardèche »)
Visit of Uzès surroundings in balloon (montgolfière) (possibility of flying over Le Mas du Cyprès) : http://www.sudmontgolfiere.com
Parapente at Seynes (5 km from Le Mas du Cyprès) http://www.parapentesud.com
Aquatic Leisure Park (2 km from Le Mas du Cyprès) http://labouscarasse.free.fr
The City of Uzès www.uzes.fr
The Duchy of uzès www.duche-uzes.fr
The Pont du Gard www.pontdugard.fr/
Nlîmes Amphitheatre www.arenesdenimes.com/
Arles Amphitheatre www.arenes-arles.com
Visit of a « Manade »
(camargue bulls ranch ) www.camargue.fr
Horse riding in Camargue http://www.cdte13.com/
de la Course Camarguaise www.ffcc.info
Uzès Stud Farm www.haras-nationaux.fr/
uzes area restaurants www.gard-provencal.com/
Antic steamTrain in Cevennes (stop at the Bambouseraie) www.trainavapeur.com/
Anduze Bambouseraie www.bambouseraie.com/
One of the nicest French caves in Saint-Remèze www.grottemadeleine.com/